okay, well i got asked exactly what was in my "binge box" by someone anonymous. here goes,,
1 double decker chocolate bar,
1 galaxy mistletoe bar,
1 cadbury's chocolate mini roll,
1 vienese mint chocolate bar,
1 slimming world chocolate hifi bar,
1 packet of cheese dorito's,
1 packet of onion ring crisps,
2 mars bars,
2 pain au chocolats,
3 packets of cadbury's chocolate buttons,
3 bags of butterkist popcorn,
3 bags of orange shortbreads,
3 twix chocolate bars,
3 bags of tesco crisps (2 cheese and onion, 1 prawn cocktail),
5 penguin wafer bars,
5 club chocolate bas (3 orange, 2 mint),
7 fruit breakfats bars (idk),
9 packets of go-ahead bars.
that is it, i hope it helped to clear up any issues you had. bye :')