hey :) i've thought long and hard about this page, and whether it should be made but i'm going to do it anyway. basically, i'm going to be listing websites that i've found help me, such as "pro-ana" websites, websites listing how many calories are in certain foods, or how many you burn during certain exercises,, and my favourite; weight loss prediction websites (: i'm sorry if this page offends you but people on certain sites ask me for tips and tricks but feel that it's not really my place to tell people how to live their lives and what to eat etc, which is where this page comes in. people will be able to look for themselves at what they want to know, without me feeling guilty about their choices. also, if you are recovering or at least attempting recovery this section may not be for you; however the recovery section in the page bar may :') thankyou (: xx
www.calorieking.com - i like this website because it will tell you the calorie content in almost every single type of food on the planet.
www.prettythin.com - this website is not "pro-ana" as it encourages recovery, but it does offer sanctuary for those people with 'food issues' without risk of being judged.
www.keepmealivewhileidie.blogspot.com - again, this is something i like looking at. it's the blog of shannice, who bless her heart suffers from an eating disorder.
http://www.losertown.org/eats/cal_act.php - i find this really useful as it predicts what i will weigh on certain dates, depending how many calories a day i eat and how much ezercise i do. amazing!